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Blinds for your Kitchen Window

Blinds for Kitchen Window over Sink

Blinds for Kitchen Window over Sink – Prêt à Vivre of London

Even though kitchen windows can be a challenge, getting the right blinds especially when you have a kitchen window over the sink, can make all the difference. In this case, a Roman blind with twin inset borders positively lifts the entire kitchen space.

Let’s take you through the design detail behind our thinking! As you can see, this is a contemporary kitchen. It has high-gloss lacquered work spaces with polished contemporary units. The addition of the Roman blind softens this effect. The fabric diffuses the hard edges and its rich, textured structure adds a warmth that would be difficult achieve with a roller blind.

This Roman blind is made with our Anais fabric, the colour is Shingle. It is a random-dyed, textured yarn which means there are lots of different coloured flecks scattered throughout the fabric (see the close up image below). Anais is a 60% cotton mix fabric of medium weight. Because of the woven random-dyed texture of the fabric, it means any eventual marks are less visible and tend to fade into the background rather than stand out.

Anais fabric in Shingle, a random-dyed, textured yarn

Anais fabric in Shingle, a random-dyed, textured yarn

The custom-made, inset borders are Linen Chintz in the colours Lagoon and Citrus. It is these blue and yellow insets that give this Roman blind its subtle wow factor, providing interest without dominating the whole scene. For example, had we used a full-on striped fabric, the result could be overpowering.

Typical Challenges when choosing blinds for a kitchen window over a sink:
Very often, kitchen windows can be wider than the usual window width and, as in this case, wider than the width of the fabric. The twin inset borders are an elegant solution in these situations, hiding any joins that would otherwise appear in the fabric.

Did you notice that the Roman blind has been fitted outside the kitchen window recess? Hung in this way, the blind is a really neat fit and the use of the kitchen window sill is not lost, always a favourite spot for keeping a potted basil. In addition, the blind rolls up nicely to fit outside the window recess, meaning you don’t lose any of the natural light from the window.

the Roman blind has been fitted outside the kitchen window recess

Blinds for Kitchen Window over Sink – here the blind has been fitted outside the kitchen window recess

This kitchen is part of an open plan living area. A glance around the lounge space shows how a hint of citrus runs throughout the room. The citrus detailing is mirrored in the yellow roller blind over the small window (in Lausanne Citrus, laminated) and the random yellow cushions as well as the yellow hue from the lighting. As we often recommend for large glazed areas, the French Windows to the garden are dressed with voile curtains, affording daytime privacy without shutting out the light. The Voile is Lexi Flint.

Now, how can we help you?
Prêt à Vivre London

The lounge area – continuing the hint of citrus

The lounge area – continuing the hint of citrus

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